A Multi Level Marketing Company is virtually identical to a pyramid scheme. The people at the top make all the money, while the lower associates make next to nothing. We found a company that has been posting that has been posting MLM opportunities on Los Angeles Craigslist.
Company Name: Cali Marketing Team (A.K.A. Harrison Schaen Consulting)
Posted Address: 12440 Firestone Blvd.
Norwalk, CA 90650
Phone: 562-868-9105
They are now using the name: CMT Consulting Group.
My girlfriend just got a similar solicitation in Anaheim from CMT Consulting.
I am a former employee of this group and will tell you from personal experience that not only is Liam scamming the employees by withholding and then denying the commissions that he advertises, he also hands out territory based on his personal liking....ie: his girlfriend (a saleswoman) Randi Tillett. This whole group is a complete mess and will try anything they can to get you to fall for their big promises. None of which happen as his entire company is a bunch of false advertisements to suck in the unemployed to work making door to door sales for his pocket.
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