A Nigerian Scam artist has been using the name Nicole Wilson for long time now. Until recently their operation was on CL, now they are using internet dating as a means to hustle people out of money.
On 4/12/09 a CL user in Germany wrote:
I have been contacted on "MatchCom", Germany, from a Nicole Wilson, who claims to live in Bayern, do not speak or write one word German. Photo enclosed, "she" is the person mentioned, who stays in West Africa collecting things to sell in the US and Europe.
*The identity of the woman in the photos remains unknown, and represents a form of identity theft. An example of why personal information, photos, Government/State issued ID's should be guarded at all times.
I also got an email in Match.com in BRAZIL from a Nicole Wilson (different picture though, an "antique collector" from West Africa lol!!
I sent an email to Match.com for them to use their software to scan messages with the words "West Africa" and "Antiques" for them to keep blocking this idiot.
She now wants to be friends with me on facebook!
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