I created this blog site to expose the scam artists, crooks, and their tactics that prey on honest hard working people on craigslist. I encourage you to share your stories and experiences with other people so that we may better serve the craigslist community, by making it a safer place.
How to Spot a Scam
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
National Tax Day Tea Party - April 15th 2009

Nicholas & Andrea Wells New Accomplace
Of course Nicholas and Andrea Wells live in the UK and have multiple children so they cannot show the apartment themselves. Instead of hiring a rental agency they want their victim to wire them a deposit via Western Union (a scam artists best friend) in return for a set of keys to the place. These people are pathetic and we really want to obtain photos of them.
Name: Nicholas and Andrea Wells
Accomplice: Jason Stern, Simon Baker
Internet Dating Scam Featuring Emmanuel Perry & John Freider
This tactic is known as a Nigerian 419 scam, whereby a scam artist sends a fake check and requests a portion of the amount. The victims bank will eventually catch the fake check, whereby the victim is then required to pay back any of the amount used or risk losing their bank account, and possibly face banking fraud charges if they cannot pay the amount owed.
Name: Emmanuel Perry
Accomplace: John Freider
We are actively looking for photos of this person. If you have them please submit them to us.
Fake Landlord Update: Miriam Sullivan
Name: Miriam Sullivan
Email: mmsull48@hotmail.com, sullmim@hotmail.com
CL Posting: Long Beach, CA
Tactic Used: Poses as a Landlord to rip people off
Monday, March 30, 2009
New Scam Artists: Nick Karson & Jeannie Raleigh
Do not do business with these people, but you can stall them and waste their time. When considering this route, remember never to send personal information. Be creative because we need more info on these people.
Name: Nick Karson
Email: n.karson1000@gmail.com
Name: Jeannie Raleigh
Email: j.raleighx3@yahoo.com
Go Away James Russell
Name: James Russell
Email: jamesrussellss4@gmail.com
Friday, March 27, 2009
USANA Health Sciences Scam?
- 74% of distributers fail within the first 12months
- 70% of compensation went to the top 3% of distributers at the company
- 87% of current distrubers are loosing money
- There is no 75% direct to customer savings on products
"Usana charges associates $40 for a 28-day supply of its top-selling multivitamin,usana essentials, more than double the retail price of other premium vitamins. A premium vitamin from competitor gnc corp., the Ultra mega green multivitamin, sells for $17 for a 28-day supply" The Wall Street Journal
Tri-Star Imports Scam - Virginia, North Carolina
Tri-Star Imports
LaShanta Johnson, Gail, Shawna
Marcus Thompson
616 Chapman St.
Salem, VA 24135
Office: 540-387-0208
Office: 540-387-0035
Fax: 540-387-0286
Direct: 336-671-3751
Tri-Star Imports
Shakhir Warren-Bey
311 G Westgate Dr.
Greensboro, NC 27407
PH: 336-855-0005
Fax: 336-855-1230
TAG Leadership, T.A.G, Cydcor Scam - Los Angeles
TAG Leadership
8999 Overland
Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.
Just wanted to give everyone a 'heads up' on TAG Leadership or 'T.A.G.', etc. Do yourself a favor and do a search for Cydcor-these guys are all the same. They're known to crank through applicants for the sole purpose of recruiting new sales people. Don't walk away people, run! They lead you to believe that you are luck that you made it to the 2nd round of interviews, and then you become part of their cult where you are a total slave, simply put. They ask you to wear "comfortable shoes" for the second interview. Why? Because you will be walking door to door trying to get companies to buy phone service, staples, or whatever it is they try to get you to peddle. Spread the word- TAG, Cydcor, and all of the affiliates participate in questionable to shady business practices. It is a scam so beware.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Xtreme Promotions Scam Atlanta Georgia
Xtreme Promotions
1100 Spring Street
Atlanta, Georgia, 30309
Phone: 404-879-0376
Fax: 404-873-8331
Many of you in the Atlanta area, have no doubt seen the ads for Xtreme Promotions, Inc. on Career Builder, AJC Jobs, Craigs List and Monster. You're subjected to the typical MLM ad jargon, such as 'fast-paced career', 'unlimited income potential', 'need managers', etc.
I consider myself an ambitious, hard-working and intelligent individual. Admittedly, however, I was quite naive when it came to the likes of Xtreme Promotions, Cydcor, and DS-Max. As much as the business was hyped by the ad, and the manager Bruno Alvim (who did my first-round interview), I was extremely surprised to be called back for a 2nd interview.
I should have seen the scam coming, I should have known better. Let's just say that Xtreme Promotions took away 4 and 1/2 months of my life that I will never get back. It's a corporate cult to its truest form. 100% door-to-door sells, 11-12 hour days (six days per week), isolation from your friends and family, an organization centered around the whims of a charismatic leader, ritual chants and phrases, people who are 'negative' are often ostracized, if not fired outright, and a cutthroat competitive we/they mentality.
Bruno Alvim, the manager, I think deep down is a good guy. But he is sucked so far into this Cydcor dream. The only way for him to be more successful is to get others sucked into this stupid dream and so on and so forth. Please, don't waste your time with Xtreme Promotions or any other Cydcor/DS-Max affiliate.
Here is the truth about the 'business' as they call it:
(1) It's 100% Commission at EVERY level. Even managers, consultants, and organizational consultants get paid based on what the Corporate Trainers and Account Executives below them make.
(2) The business isn't 'experiencing rapid growth' or 'always expanding'. For every new office that opens up, another goes under. For every market that opens up, another becomes over-saturated. The 'business' can only sustain so many managers and so many organizational consultants.
(3) As long as you are in the 'business' you will be working 12 hour days, plus Saturdays. It's that simple. You will be going door-to-door, sweating in the summer, freezing in the winter to scam an extra $12 off of an old lady who really doesn't need Unlimited Long Distance.
(4) You will put your own ethics into question. When the choice is between ripping someone off or not paying your rent, you will rip someone off. Trust me. That said, you are NEVER decreasing someone's bill. Anything you sell for the AT&T Campaign that I was on required adding additional charges to someones bill and convincing them that you were lowering it.
(5) If you are in the business, you will not look for another job. It's engineered so that when you go home at night, you have time to do the essentials and go to bed. That's it. I was lucky enough to have knocked on someone's door who had been through the DS-Max system before and he offered me a better job.
(6) You will knock on doors in the worst parts of town. My friend had his car broken into. I have walked up and down the streets of the worst ghettos in Atlanta. Residents of these 'burbs have straight up told me that I was extremely lucky to still be walking and knocking.
The Cydcor 'dream' is filled with countless stories of deception, isolation, prison, divorce, and bankruptcy.Xtreme Promotions isn't the only Cydcor/DS Max affiliate operating in Atlanta. I know of a few others, along with the names of their managers:
Wentworth Marketing, Ed Cunliffe
Xtreme Promotions, Bruno Alvim
FC Wetz Interactive, Sarah Spears
KSL Concepts, Ken Lear
Global Marketing Solutions, Daniel Kim
New Tutor Scam Featuring Crowell Edmond
The scam works by first soliciting unsuspecting women with the prospect of a job. Next a fake check is mailed with the instructions to deposit it ASAP. The would be tutor is then instructed to purchase video games or other electronic devices for the child, and mail them to Denmark, USA, or where ever. After a couple of weeks the tutors banking institution will inform them about the bogus check and now they will be on the hook for the amount used from the fake check.
This scam can be avoided by always dealing locally and never from anyone claiming to live in a foreign country.
Name: Crowell Edmond
Email: crowelledmond0007@yahoo.com
Is Penny Gutridge Really David Moore?
Name: Lawal Opeyemi Idowu
AKA: David Moore, Penny Gutridge
Email: soul.rock44@gmail.com
Phone: 234-8034156161
Address: 395 Oluaye Omooba Street (off Lkeja Rd)
Lagos, 23401Nigeria
Monday, March 23, 2009
Sports Marketing International, An Employment Scam! Sherman Oaks, California
Sports Marketing International, formerly known as 'the landers group' is about helping high school college students find great entry-level jobs. Sports Marketing International is an 'EMPLOYMENT SCAM' which has been identified as a scam by people online and in the media. As it gets later in the post-graduation job hunting season, many new grads become desperate. It makes them easy prey for employment scams like those peddled by the grand daddy of all the groups... DS MAX. DO NOT WORK FOR THIS COMPANY!HOPING TO CLOSE THESE PEOPLE OUT!
Sports Marketing International
4939 Ventura Blvd. Suite 304,
Sherman Oaks,, California
Hunting Down Nigerian Scam Artists

We are currently working to hunt down a Nigerian scam artist who frequents Craigslist to cheat and steal from people. Since being featured here, they have actually visited this site on numerous occasions. What they didn't realize is that their multiple visits to clscambuster.blogspot.com were recorded and monitored. As a result we are in the process of triangulating their location in Nigeria.
The photos above are actual images from the registered triangulated area. For a while now we have reported that these scam artists are not bright. They do not understand that any computer can be tracked and traced to its location. Technology is casting an ever widening net and these guys are dumb enough to get snagged in it. Too many people have wasted their time and resources on Nigerian scams and now there is something that can be done.Nicole Wilson Photos Wanted
In truth this is a classic Nigerian 419 scam. For all we know Nicole Wilson is most likely a dude with a psychological issues, like passing himself off as a woman. Sexy right? Stay away from this confused loser who has no future or prospects. But in the mean time please email us any photos that you may have obtained from this individual. Please email them to: bhemporium@gmail.com
Name: Nicole Wilson
Location: Laos, Nigeria
Type of Scam: Internet Dating
Do Not Rent to James Mark
Name: James Mark
Email: dr.jamesmarrk@gmail.com
Location: London
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Wanted: Jose Johnson Odusola $100,000 Reward

Fraud in connection with identification documents, 18 USC 1028; Fraud in connection with access devices, 18 USC 1029.
H-06-385M, 5/26/2006, Texas
None known
04/04/1954, Nigeria
Black male, 5' 5" tall, 155 lbs., dark-skinned, thick accent.
Possibly living in Atlanta, GA, suspected of being heavily involved in identity theft.
If located, please call theU.S. Postal Inspection Service at 1-877-876-2455.
All information will be kept strictly confidential.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Smile Scam Artists your on Google Earth
Scammer Update: Augusta Ramirez, Nicole Wilson
Name: Augusta Ramirez
Email: Aram345@gmail.com
Name: Nicole Wilson
Email: life4realxxxx7@yahoo.com.uk
FYI: If this person claims to live in the USA they are full of it.
Jerry Brown & Tommy Shoddy
Jerry Brown poses as a interested buyer with a fake money order/check to send. More importantly Tommy Shoddy uses the same tactic, but with the addition of a contact number linked to a known area code scam.
Name: Jerry Brown
Email: jerry_brown11@hotmail.com
Name: Tommy Shoddy
Email: tommieshoddy@gmail.com
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Avoid Tina William & Amanda McAndrews
Name: Tina Williams
Email: Tinawils12@hotmail.com
Name: Amanda McAndrews
Email: prettygirl1979.28@hotmail.com
Nicholas & Andrea Wells (Formerly Rachel & Christopher Clark)
As of today their new names are Andrea & Nicholas Wells. These people claim to live in the UK and willing provide UK telephone numbers. The red flag in their operation begins with their alleged rental agent, John Stanford who is injured or ill in Chicago and cannot show the apartment. As such they need the potential renter to wire them $200 via Western Union (a scam artists favorite friend) for a key deposit. By now the potential victim should be asking themselves, what kind of landlord would send a total stranger a key to an apartment while living in another country?
This is a classic rental scam and has appeared more and more on the New York City CL listings. Once the money has been wired, you will never hear from these people again, let alone obtaining a set of keys. Please beware of these scum bags and their true intentions.
Name: Andrea & Nicholas Wells
Accomplice: John Stanford
Ph: +44 7024062089, +44 7035962694
Kelvin Hunt & Williams James
Name: Kelvin Hunt
Email: unknown
Name: James Williams
Email: Williams_James@ymail.com
Joss Yates & Mary Stacy King Update
Name: Joss Yates
Email: jossyates2@yahoo.com
Name: Mary Stacy King
Email: stacyking09@gmail.com
Monday, March 9, 2009
New Tutor and Nanny Scam
A couple of weeks later the victims bank finds out about the fake check. If the victim used any of the money from the fake check, they are now on the hook and must repay their bank the amount used or face criminal charges.
Name: Michael Kelly
Accomplice: Hassany Alejandre
Email: hassanyagustinalejandre@rocketmail.com
Mary Jane Toneman, James Russell, & Robert Leo Update
Name: Mary Jane Toneman
Email: bostonmail03@gmail.com
Name: Robert Leo
Email: laurettacolorado@yahoo.com
Name: James Russell
Email: RusselJ29@yahoo.com (8th email change in 12 days)
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Join Our Facebook Page
Chris Marcus & Miriam Sullivan
Name: Chris Marcus
Email: chrismarcus002@gmail.com, chrismarcus13@gmail.com
Miriam Sullivan is a facticious landlord who is trying to scam people out of money.
Name: Miriam Sullivan
Email: sullmim@hotmail.com
Dr. Simon Tylers Update
Name: Simon Tylers
Email: simontylers15@gmail.com
Joyce Gunn & Benjamin Desk
Name: Joyce Gunn
Email: jgunn2595@yahoo.com
Name: Benjamin Desk
email: currently unavailable
Bob Draper Update
Name: Bob Draper
Address: 48 Blackshaw
London, UK