
How to Spot a Scam

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

MLM Businesses: NW Marketing Inc.,

The following businesses display an affinity for a MLM or pyramid business model. In addition their "grassroots" business approach means soliciting coupon books, oil change certificates, and other "today only" offers door to door.

NW Marketing Inc.,
11820 Northup Way
Suite 200
Bellevue, WA 98005
Tel: (425) 284-3072
Fax: (818) 450-0317

*Please note that 818 is an area in California, but company is allegedly in Washington State.

Nobeck Marketing Inc.
1224 Mill St.
Building B
East Berlin, CT. 06023
TEL: 860-828-2020
FAX: 860-828-2018

*Confusing site shows GM building in Detroit as headquarters, yet their main location is in Connecticut.

9/16/09: Scam alert update

This is a scam artist update for 9/16/09:

Name: Sandra Carter

Name: Jeannie Raleigh

Name: Elizabeth Larry

Name: Broklyn Janes